Winter Solstice on 18 June 2022

The next major P&C event is a working bee to weed the school garden and the Winter Solstice on Saturday 18 June 2022. Make sure you put it in your diary.

Entry to the Winter Solstice is free and we’ve lined up the School Choir and a great band, plus lots of yummy food so we’re super excited about it. We will have free face painting for children as well as a fire in a brazier (surrounded by a fence for children’s safety).

The working bee will start at 2pm and the Winter Solstice will run from 4-7pm.

If you can help with the Winter Solstice (e.g. serving soup or popcorn), there is a sign-up sheet for volunteers at this link.

The working bee to clean up the school garden will hopefully enable the school garden to reopen in term 3, once QBuild complete some repair work to the drainage system in the garden.